Triforce Tarot is a Legend of Zelda zine project focusing on the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot, with a beautiful piece of artwork on each card face.

Applications will open soon!

Twitter: @triforcetarot
Email: [email protected]

Moderated by @digialchem


Will participants be compensated?

Yes - Triforce Tarot is a for-profit project. As a minimum, every participant will receive a physical copy of the deck. After that, any profits from sales of the deck will be split evenly between all the participants.

What kind of artwork will be featured?

We are looking for 'landscape' pieces, where there is a large focus on both foreground and background. This is due to the nature of the cards we're aiming to make - your artwork will take up most of the front face of the card, so we want to really blow people away with the images. We will accept both digital and traditional artwork, provided that you can scan traditional artwork at a suitably high resolution.

What resolution will I have to work with?

Each tarot card is 70mm wide by 120mm tall, and will need to be drawn or scanned at 300 DPI with a CMYK colour profile. A basic PSD template of the card layout will be provided.

Is this a physical product?

Yes; the decks will be made as actual 22-card tarot decks by a reputable card printing company in the UK. We will also be offering a digital 'showcase' PDF featuring all of the artwork, if you don't want the physical item.

How much will the deck cost?

We are estimating the decks will cost around £15 - this includes a professionally printed deck with fully custom artwork, as well as a customised 'tuck box' to store the cards in. The PDF showcase will be available for a reduced cost, currently estimated at £5.

What will I be buying, exactly?

22 standard tarot size cards, printed on 300gsm Zanta Games Board - which is an industry standard for tarot decks - and laminated with plastic. Each deck will be stored inside a 350gsm Zanta Box Board 'tuck box', and a small leaflet will be included in each box that explains the basic concept of tarot reading as well as the full artist credits.

What happens to my artwork?

The artwork remains the property of the participants throughout the project's lifecycle. However, we ask that previews of artwork are withheld until preorders begin; once the project has begun shipping, participants are free to post the full pieces.

Are there any stretch goals?

Once the deck reaches 60 total pre-orders, we will be able to upgrade every purchase to feature metallic gold ink on the reverse design of each card.


Subject to changes/delays, any amendments will be communicated as soon as possible

March 22nd 2019

Applications for the zine open

April 19th 2019

Applications close

April 26th 2019

Participant results announced

May 19th 2019

Midpoint check-in for participants

June 24th 2019

Artwork previews posted

July 1st 2019

Artwork submissions due, first round of preorders open

July 29th 2019

First round of preorders close, tarot decks ordered

August 5th 2019

First wave of tarot decks distributed (subject to manufacturing time)


Potential second round of preorders open


We have four guest artists who have very generously accepted an invitation to this project - we're thrilled to be working with them!



